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Phase I Archaeological Survey of Improvments to Atlanta Highway (SR13) and Memorial Park Drive (CR451)

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project calls for the widening of SR 13/Atlanta Highway and CR 451 /Memorial Park Drive between Frontage Road (part of the 1-985/SR 13 interchange project) to SR 369/Brown Bridge Road. Improvements to selected intersections within this interval are also planned. The total length of the project corridor measures 3.3 miles. Existing right-of-way is approximately 50-150 feet depending upon location. The APE extended no more than 150 feet on either side of the existing center-line. Design parameters and other considerations resulted in the APE being narrowed to 10 feet from the existing pavement edge on the east side of the roadway throughout much of the southern portion of the corridor. From the projects southern terminus at Frontage Road to a point just south of Avenue A in Chicopee, the APE extended only 10 feet from the existing pavement edge on the east side of SR 13. Existing utilities and disturbance from the construction of SR 13 precluded testing in this interval. North of Avenue A the APE extended 150 feet from either side of the center-line.