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Addendum to Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Turner Lake Road and Clark Street Roundabout, Newton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The roundabout has an inside diameter of 100 feet, with a 10-foot wide' truck apron and a 15-foot wide travel lane. The outside shoulders would have a 24-inch curb and gutter with a 6-foot wide sidewalk and a 6-foot grass strip in all quadrants, except in the northeast quadrant. The northeast quadrant would have approximately a 10-foot multi-use path with a 6-foot grass strip. Originally, the project was to require approximately 0.18 acre of additional right-of-way and approximately 1.45 acres of easement; however, an increase is needed in the amount of easement in the northwest quadrant of the intersection to accommodate segments of a sidewalk and a multi-use path entering the Turner Lake Complex. The additional easement totals approximately 0.5 acre. In addition, some land at the entrance of the Turner Lake Complex that was originally going to be taken as easement will now be taken as right-of-way.