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Addendum to Phase I Archaeological Survey of SR 98 at CR 286 Project Area

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project has been revised based upon design refinements for shoulders, drainage, and driveways. New areas of right-of-way and easement have been added to the proposed project, and some areas that were previously proposed as right-of-way have been converted to permanent easement. As a result, the total required right-of-way has decreased by approximately 0.27 acre, from 1.0 acre at the time of the CE to 0.73 acre. There was previously no required permanent easement, but approximately 0.76 acre of permanent easement would now be required. The total amount of temporary easement has remained approximately the same at 0.52 acre. The maximum required right-of-way width on SR 98 has increased to approximately 140 feet to accommodate design refinements for drainage. Areas of permanent easement up to approximately 33 feet in width would be required on both sides of SR 98., Areas of temporary easement up to approximately 55 feet in width would also be required along both sides of SR 98. Areas of permanent easement up to approximately 15 feet in width and temporary easement up to approximately 30 feet in width would be required along both sides of B. Wilson Road (CR 286). Areas of permanent easement up to approximately 15 feet in width and temporary easement up to approximately 25 feet in width would be required along both sides of King Road (CR 536).