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Phase I Cultural Resource Survey of 41 Acres For the Proposed St. Mary's Wastewater Treatment Plant, Camden County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

TRC conducted a Phase I cultural resource survey (both architectural and archaeological) prior to the construction of the proposed wastewater treatment plant in Camden County, Georgia. The facility will be located in a 41-acre tract in southern Camden County, near the St. Mary's River. The architectural survey was conducted June 10-12, 1998. Pedestrian and vehicular reconnaissance of the project's Area of Potential Effects (APE) was undertaken to locate historic architectural resources. The APE was defined as the area in which the proposed wastewater treatment plant would physically or visually affect any historic architectural resources. No historic architectural resources were identified in the APE during the present survey. The proposed project area is located in an isolated region where terrain and vegetation have apparently discouraged development over the years. Only one structure, the modern 1-95 bridge that spans the St. Mary's River, is located within the APE boundary. No further historic architectural work is required. The archaeological survey identified no archaeological sites. Two isolated finds were discovered through shovel testing, but neither represents a significant archaeological resource. No cultural resources eligible for or listed on the National Register of Historic Places will be affected by the proposed undertaking. Cultural resources clearance to construct is recommended.