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Phase II Archaeological Testing of Fourteen Sites and Deep Testing of Four Bottomland Areas in the I-75 to State Route 371 Connector, Section NH-208-1(5), Bartow, Forsyth, and Cherokee Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

From August 2 until October 28, 1993, archaeologists from the Transportation Center at The University of Tennessee-Knoxville conducted Phase II archaeological testing of 14 sites and deep testing of 4 bottomland areas in the proposed 1-75 to State Route 371 Connector, Section NH-208-1(5), in Bartow, Forsyth, and Cherokee counties, Georgia. The sites were shovel tested at no greater than 10 m intervals. A tube sampler probe or post hole digger was used at no greater than 4 m intervals to locate subsurface features or cultural deposits. Areas with a high potential for subsurface features or cultural deposits as determined by shovel testing or the locations of possible features or cultural deposits identified by probing were investigated by the hand excavation of 1 m x 1 m test units. Controlled and general surface collections were conducted on sites with adequate surface visibility. A metal detector survey was conducted on one historic site. Deep test areas were investigated by the excavation of auger tests at no greater than 20 m intervals. Buried deposits containing cultural material were investigated by the excavation of 1 m x 1 m test units. Six sites contained subsurface features or other cultural deposits and are considered eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. These consist of four prehistoric sites and two sites with historic and prehistoric components. Eight sites contained no subsurface features or cultural deposits and are considered ineligible for inclusion in the National Register. No further work is recommended in the four deep test areas.