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1997 Excavations at the Two Chimneys Site

Report Number
Year of Publication

An archaeological research project was conducted in July of 1997 on the Two Chimneys Site at the Scull Shoals Mill Complex in Greene County, GA. The project was administered by the US Forest Service through their 'Passport In Time' volunteer program. Excavation was concentrated around the remains of a dwelling which once overlooked the Mill Complex. Data recovery included identification of foundation pillars and subsequently the size and configuration of the dwelling; a trash midden which yielded evidence of pre-conceived dismantling, burning and demolition; an outdoor brick work surface related to domestic activity; and sheet trash deposits in the western yard. Preliminary interpretations for the site's function have focused upon its use as a domestic dwelling site which probably had at least two different owner/occupants based upon differing artifact styles covering a time period between ca. 1820-1920. Distinctive evidence for purposeful dismantling of the structure has also been recognized based upon the frequency and variability within the nail category. Artifact styles also indicate that different socio-economic classes probably occupied the dwelling and is most likely a reflection of the active mill period and the post-mill era.