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History Assessment of Project FR-038-2(29), Burke County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The survey boundary and methodology were established using GDOT/FHWA Cultural Resource Survey Guidelines. These guidelines were established as a result of past interaction with the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and her staff and were agreed upon by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the SHPO. The Department of Natural Resources' Burke County survey for potential historic resources was consulted in preliminary identification of potentially eligible historic resources. Lists of current and pending National Register properties were checked and aerial photographs along the length of the project were consulted. A field survey for potentially eligible historic resources was also conducted along the project corridor. No existing or potentially eligible National Register properties are located within the project's area of potential environmental effect. Therefore, implementation of Project FR-038-2(29), Burke County will have no effect on existing or potentially eligible National Register properties.