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Trip Report on Archaeological Recording of the Foundation of Cockspur Island Lighthouse, Fort Pulaski National Monument (FOPU), Chatham County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In 2006, the Cockspur Island Lighthouse (9CH674, FOPU-4.001) was found to be in immediate need of stabilization, due to a marine borer infestation, which, if left unchecked, threatened to undermine the wooden foundation of the brick and mortar lighthouse. The lighthouse has served as an aid to navigation for ships entering the port of Savannah since it was built in 1856 on an intertidal islet composed of oyster shells and ballast stones situated at the southeastern tip of Cockspur Island. During June of 2008, a SEAC archeologist assisted FOPU staff with recording the foundation of the lighthouse during emergency stabilization efforts to halt the progress of the marine borer infestation.