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Archaeological Assessment of Project EDS-72(26)(34)(35), Clarke and Madison Counties

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project was surveyed by Brockington & Associates, Inc. in November of 1992 for the GDOT. At that time, the project was known as EDS-72(26). The SHPO reviewed the final report entitled "Archaeological Resources Survey and Evaluation of the Proposed State Route 72 Widening and Reconstruction, Clarke and Madison Counties, Georgia" (HP920715-001) and concurred with its findings. The project proposed to widen SR 72 from the intersection of US 29/SR 8 to SR 172, east of Colbert. A 4.27 m (14 ft) flush median was to be constructed from US 29/SR 8 to Voyles Road. Total required right-of-way would have varied from 27.4-39.6 m (90-130 ft). The proposed project has been redesigned slightly and is now split into three units, EDS-72(26)(34)(35), without changing the termini. Additionally, the current design requires that a flush median measuring approximately 6.1 m (20 ft). Therefore, the total required right-of-way will vary from 30.5-61 m (100-200 ft).

An archaeological survey (Level I) using aerial photography and the findings from Brockington and Associates, Inc.'s survey was conducted in accordance with "GDOT/FHWA Cultural Resource Survey Guidelines" developed by the GDOT Staff Archaeologists in consultation with DNR Historic Preservation Section Staff and concurred in by the Federal Highway Administration and State Historic Preservation Officer. These guidelines provide general survey boundaries and methodological approaches to archaeological surveys based on the type/scope of proposed highway projects and are followed during the initial identification of archaeological resources. No existing or eligible National Register archaeological resources were located within the project's area of potential environmental effect. It is concluded, therefore, that the project will have no effect upon archaeological resources on or eligible for inclusion in the NRHP provided that the project conforms to that described above".