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9CY(DOT)3, Unpublished Field Notes Volume III

Report Number
Year of Publication

Site 9Cy(DOT)3 represents a low density Late Archaic and possibly Early Woodland surface lithic scatter. The site is located in Bluffton, Georgia, east of US 27/SR 1 and south of CR 130 in an agricultural field approximately 30 meters from site 9Cy(DOT)2. The site is situated on an eroded ridgetop and slope overlooking a wetland area partially within the required right-of-way for GDOT project EDS-27(148), Clay County. A low frequency of lithic artifacts including two chert Late Archaic projectile point/knives and one medium chert triangular pp/k were recovered from a surface area of approximately 10 meters X 10 meters. No artifacts were recovered in four shovel tests excavated to sterile subsoil within and adjacent to the surface scatter. Soils present in shovel test excavations consisted of a 5 cm reddish sandy plowzone over reddish tan sandy clay subsoil. The site has been highly disturbed by agricultural practices and erosion. Based on the degree of site disturbance, low artifact frequency and variety, and the low potential for intact sub-surface features or deposits, site 9Cy(DOT)3 is recommended as not eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. No further cultural resource management consideration is recommended.