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Phase 1 Archaeological Survey for Livsey Elementary School SRTS Program

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project is part of the Georgia Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program, which was established to fund infrastructure projects that enable and encourage children, including those with disabilities, to walk and bicycle to school safely. These projects are designed not only to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety and access in and near school zones, but also to encourage children to adopt healthy and active lifestyles from an early age. The infrastructure improvements included in this proposed project consist of: Installing bulbouts along Livsey Road in front of Livsey Elementary School for the purpose of shortening pedestrian crossing paths, organizing traffic in front of the school, and defining parking areas. Installing 2 radar signs on Chamblee Tucker Road to assist with speed control. Installing sidewalks on North Park Drive from 4159 North Park Drive to Chamblee Tucker Road. The addition of sidewalks not only promotes healthy and active lifestyles, but also serves as a visual reminder for drivers to watch for pedestrians and to calm vehicular traffic. Installing a raised cross walk on North Park Drive near Angie Drive to allow pedestrians to cross the street safely to a sidewalk. Replacing the existing speed hump along Livsey Road near Livsey Woods Drive with a raised crosswalk so that children would be more visible to drivers approaching the crosswalk. Upgrading the existing traffic signal at the intersection of Livsey Road and Chamblee Tucker Road to include a new signal controller cabinet with pedestrian countdown signal heads. All of these proposed improvements would be undertaken within existing right-of-way (ROW). Because of the nature and scope of the undertaking, the APE would consist of the existing ROW, within which all construction and ground-disturbing activity would be confined.