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Phase 1 Archaeological Overview and Inventory of the Georgia Portion of the Proposed South Georgia Natural Cas Company Pipeline Corridor

Report Number
Year of Publication

A Phase I cultural resources survey of the proposed 101.2 km (62.9 mi) South Georgia Natural Gas Company pipeline corridor was conducted by R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc. from December 1992 through February 1993. The project area is located parallel to and generally south of an existing South Georgia Natural Gas Company pipeline corridor; it extends from west to east through Russell and Lee counties, Alabama, and through Stewart, Webster, Terrell, and Mitchell counties, Georgia. The project area was surveyed in accordance with federal regulations governing the construction of an additional pipeline along an existing corridor. Two loops, totaling approximately 62.4 km (39 mi) were surveyed In Georgia; total area surveyed consisted of approximately 305 ac (127 ha). Fieldwork consisted of pedestrian survey along transects spaced 9 m (30 ft) apart. Pedestrian survey was augmented by the systematic excavation of shovel tests along each transect. A total of 69 cultural resources loci were identified. Four were modern dumps; 28 were isolated prehistoric loci; 9 were isolated historic loci; 15 were previously unrecorded prehistoric archeological sites; 4 were previously unrecorded historic sites; and, 9 were previously unrecorded multicomponent historic/prehistoric archeological sites. Three of the newly discovered prehistoric sites (G25-1, G26-1, and M3-1) are considered to be potentially significant cultural resources. Additional evaluatory testing of these three cultural resources is recommended.