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SR 155 over Troublesome Creek, Spalding County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The initial study of the project encompassed 30.5 m (100 ft) on either side of the existing bridge, and 305 m (1000 ft) on the approaches. The new area that needed to be surveyed is on the west side of SR 155. The new APE extends to about 41 m (135 ft) on the north side of the creek and 61 m (200 ft) on the south side of the creek. Shovel tests were originally placed no further than 50 ft from existing pavement in these areas. Because routine shovel testing is typically performed at 30-m intervals, this required an additional line of 30-m interval tests in the southwestern quadrant. Although no additional tests were strictly required in the northwestern quadrant, the additional 26 m (85 ft) of APE width there was reconnoitered and selectively shovel tested. A total of eleven additional shovel tests were excavated, ten in the southwestern quadrant and one in the northwestern quadrant. All tests were negative for cultural material. The tests in the southwestern quadrant were all located in pasture, except for one placed in a wooded margin of the highway. The tests in the pasture all revealed colluvial soils in a shallow drainage that had recently been filled due to erosion. Typical profiles consisted of 10 cm organic root mat, 20 cm of dark reddish brown loamy sand plowzone, 25 cm reddish brown sand, then wet reddish brown sand. The one test in the wooded margin was at the south end of the APE on a ridge nose. Soil there consisted of 10 cm dark grayish brown sandy loam, 10 cm mottled yellowish brown and grayish brown loamy sand, 5 cm yellowish brown sand, then brownish red clay. The northwestern quadrant was almost entirely low-probability floodplain, slope, or old road bed (disturbed to subsoil). In one location tested at the crest of the slope, soils appeared severely disturbed by grading to a depth of over 35 cm. In summary, these results do not alter our former recommendation that "no significant archeological sites will be affected..." by the proposed project and that"... in regard to . archeological resources, the construction should be allowed to proceed pending the approval of this report by the State Historic Preservation Officer".