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Oglethorpe Power Corporation: Brunswick Pulp and Paper - Louvale 115 kV Transmission Line

Report Number
Year of Publication

Upon acquisition of the transmission line right-of-way easement, a copy of the easement will be sent to the SHPO for inclusion in the project mitigation plan. The land owner retains fee rights to the property itself. OPC will direct its efforts toward protecting archaeologically significant properties within the confines (including legal) of the easement agreement. Upon concurrence of the project mitigation plan by the Georgia SHPO, OPC will submit a memorandum to the permanent project file that identifies the following conditions: A. The exact location and known conditions of the archaeological sites. B. Easement (land rights) conditions for preserving the site. C. A notice that the Environmental Department is to be contacted should consideration be given to any future upgrading or in any way modifying the subject transmission line. Should the subject transmission line need modification, the Environmental Department will contact the SHPO to discuss the potentials for impact to the subject site. Upon concurrence of the project mitigation plan, and with land owner permission, OPC will contract with a consulting archaeological firm to perform the data recovery stipulations established in the plan. Within that contract OPC will budget adequate funds for proper curation of artifacts. It will be the contractor's responsibility to identify an acceptable curation site and see to the depository of artifacts. Once this is established, OPC will notify the SHPO of the curation site, a contact person, address, and phone number. Pursuant to the principal of preservation in place, OPC will utilize only rubber tire vehicles and bushhog trimmers in the maintenance of this 1ine within the specific archaeological site boundaries. Artifacts within the site area are beneath the plow zone. No sub-surface disruption of this area will be experienced as a result of the maintenance or construction of this project. OPC will conduct inspections of the archaeological site after construction of the project. The SHPO will be notified of these inspections and invited to attend. The inspections will be conducted every six months for two (2) years. After two years, periodic inspections of the site will be conducted at intervals to be determined through consultation with the SHPO. If at anytime it is determined by the SHPO that the stipulations provided in the project mitigation plan are not achieving the goals of preservation in place of an archaeologic site, negotiations will be held to discuss further mitigation measures. OPC will consult with the SHPO and REA on future mitigation measures.