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An Archaeological Survey of Proposed Improvements to the Toccoa R.G. LeTourneau Field Airport Stephens County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

ln compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto, the proposed improvements to the Toccoa R.G. Letourneau Field Airport, Stephens County, Georgia, was surveyed with respect to archaeological resources, especially those on or eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The survey was conducted by Tohopeka Archaeological Consulting for the firm of Mayes, Sudderth, & Etheredge, Inc. on behalf of the Toccoa Stephens County Airport Authority. The proposed project would construct a 300' by 300' Runway Safety Area (RSA) at the northern end of Runway 2/20. The proposed project would also construct T -hangar taxiways. A new apron would be constructed immediately north of the existing apron and additional T-hangars would be constructed immediately south ofthe existing T-hangars. A small triangle of right-of-way (300' by 250' by 400') (approximately 0.9 acre) would be required for project implementation. The archaeological survey consisted of an intensive pedestrian survey and systematic shovel testing. The goals of the survey were to locate, document and evaluate the NRHP eligibility of any archaeological properties located within the proposed project's area of potential effect (APE). No archaeological sites were identified within the project corridor. Therefore, it is concluded that the proposed improvements to the Toccoa R.G. Letourneau Field Airport would not affect archaeological resources on or eligible for inclusion on the NRHP.