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Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment Proposed Entergy-Inland Energy Island Project, Floyd County, Georgia

Report Number
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An intensive cultural resource survey was conducted on 27 acres of land in Floyd County, Georgia that is proposed for development by Entergy Power Generation Corporation (Entergy) and Inland Paperboard and Packaging, Inc. (Inland). The proposed project will consist of the construction of an energy island facility on approximately 17 acres and a borrow area of approximately 10 acres of land located immediately south of the proposed facility. Because of the anticipated joint venture and project financing, a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was deemed necessary to identify known and potential environmental liabilities associated with this area of Inland's property. Consequently, this intensive cultural resources survey was conducted in conjunction with a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. Stephen Jones, Jody Blackwell, and Robert Perry from Law Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. (LAW) completed the field activities under the direction of Carey B. Oakley, Senior Cultural Resources Specialist. In 1998, a survey conducted by Southeastern Archaeological Services (SAS) identified one archaeological site within the proposed project boundary. SAS's survey report included a recommendation that this archaeology site was ineligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). In addition, two new archaeological sites were identified as a result of this current survey performed by LAW. Both sites may be described as sparse surface lithic scatter that are disturbed to such an extent that they are unlikely to yield meaningful research information to be considered eligible for the NRHP under Criterion D. For these reasons, both of these sites are considered ineligible for the NRHP and a finding of No Historic Properties Affected is appropriate for this project. We recommend that the proposed project be cleared from a cultural resources perspective.