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kettle Creek:The Battle of the Cnae Brakes, Wilkes County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report is organized into three parts, according to the priorities set by the Historic Preservation Section, Georgia Department of Natural Resources in June, 1974. These priorities are: (1) To confirm the location of the Kettle Creek battlefield as a prerequisite to the Georgia Heritage Trust consideration of the War Hill site for acquisition, (2) To write an accurate and complete history of the Battle of KettleCreek and the events leading to it, and, (3) To write biographies of the important men and women involved in the battle. The research for this project has filled many gaps in Capt. Hugh McCall's well-known and extensive account of the battle, written in 1816 in his History of Georgia, as well as la er accounts. Yet there are gaps that remain and the authors hope that others will continue what has been started here until all are filled. The frontispiece of this report is a copy of a painting designed by Louis Rickman and painted by George Parrish, Jr., for the Georgia Commission for the National Bicentennial Celebration. Based upon information from the authors of this report, it is rep inted here through the courtesy of Mr. Rickman and the Commission. The title of this report is from a newspaper story that appeared in the Carolina Spartan on May 23, 1894, entitled "The Battle of the Cane Brakes", which was an account f the Battle of Kettle Creek, based on Hugh McCall's The History of Georgia (1811-1816), Vol. II.