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Phase I Archaeological Survey, Paulding Business Technology Park and Roadway Improvements

Report Number
Year of Publication

The project would involve constructing two roadways on new location. From the project beginning (Station 1 03+00) to approximately Station 115+00, Technology Park Road (PI #0007285) would consist of two lanes with rural shoulders separated by a 20-foot median. At approximately Station 115+00, the road transitions to an undivided two-lane section terminating in a cul-de-sac. Local Access Road (PI #0008037) consists of 0.5-miles of undivided two-lane road with rural shoulders culminating in a cul-de-sac. This road intersects with Technology Park Road at Station 130+00. Each roadway would have two 11-foot wide travel lanes and eight-foot shoulders. Proposed lane and shoulder widths match typical sections of existing Airport Parkway.