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Report On Investigations Phase II, Task 1 Cultural Resources Effects Mitigation Plan Rocky Mountain Pumped Storage Project Floyd County, Gerogia

Report Number
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This report details the results of Phase II, Task 1 of an interdisciplinary cultural resources investigation at the Rocky Mountain Pumped Storage Project , Floyd County, Georgia. Phase II. Task 1 involved the archeological survey and testing of eight cultural properties. Nine historic components were investigated, ranging in age from the 1840s to the 1970s and a prehistoric component dated to the Archaic Period was also tested. Documentary and oral historical data collected during Phase 11, Task 1 extended the intensive investigation of these data sets began in Phase I. The research design developed in Phase 1 is modified based on the accumulated data base and the desire to test the applicability of the enterprise succession principle to Texas Valley. Recommendations are presented for further work, based on an evaluation of the present data base and its ability to answer the research questions.