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Sapelo Island 10 August 1999 Survey of Alternate Locations for DNR Fuel Storage Area.

Report Number
Year of Publication

Sapelo Island 10

August 1999

Survey of Alternate Locations for DNR Fuel Storage Area

The Archaeological Services Unit of the Historic Preservation Division of GaDNR received a telephone request for an archaeological investigation of four possible locations for a new fuel storage facility. The original location had been previously surveyed for cultural resources by Dr. Ray Crook of State University of West Georgia. Objections had been heard concerning design and location of the facility, and DNR needed immediate survey of alternates. The preferred alternate and three additional possible locations were surveyed for cultural resources by Ronnie Rogers of the Archaeological Services Unit on 10 August 1999. No significant archaeological resources were found at any of the tested locations. Construction of the proposed fuel facility at any of the tested locations will have no effect on significant archaeological resources.