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Archaeological Clearance of District Bridge Projects, BRZLB-0159(5), Jasper County

Report Number
Year of Publication

In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the following District Two bridge projects were examined for archaeological resources: Jasper County, Project number BRZLB-0159(5). Survey methods included a visual examination of exposed ground surfaces and subsurface testing when necessary. Two archaeological sites were located during the survey (asterisked projects) but they should not be affected by construction activities. In conclusion, no sites considered to be eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places were located in the immediate vicinity of the bridge projects.

The proposed project concept is to replace the existing steel truss bridge over Murder Creek on County Road 25 (King Plow Company Road) with a new bridge. This new bridge will be located approximately 100 feet upstream from the existing structure.