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Archaeological Clearance of District Project F-007-2(19), Thomas County

Report Number
Year of Publication

In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the following Georgia DOT Projects were subjected to archaeological surveys intended to locate sites either on, or that could be considered eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places.

F-034-1(12) Lowndes County

RF-026-1(34) Lee-Terrell County

F-007-2(19) Thomas County

The first two projects are road widening on the existing alignment. For these, survey methods included visual examination of the right-of-way and subsurface shovel tests were judged necessary. Only two small sites were located along the right-of-way corridor. Additional subsurface testing in these areas could not offer evidence of prehistoric habitation below the ground surface, indicating that the sites are very small and/or extensively disturbed. The final project, F-007-2(19), Thomas County is within the Thomasville City limits and the ground surface has been extensively modified by recent construction activities. Therefore, an in-field archaeological survey was not considered to be necessary and the project was cleared of involvement after reviewing the plans.

In conclusion, there should not be an adverse impact to the State's archaeological resources by the construction of these projects.