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Environmental Clearance of the Lakewood Avenue Borrow Pit, PRP-8532-7(121), Fulton County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The above referenced borrow pit, located approximately 400 feet south of Lakewood Avenue east of Macon Road, has been reviewed for wetlands, threatened and endangered species, archaeological resources, and historical resources. Attached is a sketch depicting the new pit boundary? The eastern boundary was changed because of the nearby creek and potential damage to this creek. This new area is approved for use with the understanding that all applicable permits have been applied for. In addition, the appropriate erosion control measures will also be implemented and properly maintained in order to prevent run- off. If historic resources, archaeological resources, or threatened or endangered species are encountered during the excavation of the above referenced borrow pit, excavation should be discontinued and the Engineer should contact an archaeologist at the Office of Environment/Location in accordance with Section 107. 13A, page 47 of the Standard Specifications Construction of Roads Bridges (1993 edition).