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Studstill, David E.

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
4723 Studstill, David E. Request for Permit to Change Land Use, OCGA 36-72, "Abandoned Cemeteries and Burial Grounds", 1991, as Amended, for GDOT projects NH-018-1(56) and BRF-018-1(44), Bartow County, GA

Enclosed please find information provided for your use in applying for and obtaining a permit for land use change involving a cemetery/Indian mound. The information provided should be sufficient to prepare an application and obtain a permit for this project.

Bartow County, GA 1995
4865 Studstill, David E. Archaeological Assessment of Project IR-75-2(168), Butts County

Project IR-75-2(168) is located at the SR 36 and 1-75 interchange. The project consists of replacing the existing bridge, raising the grade for approximately 3000 feet, relocating the ramps and relocating CR 288 and CR 166.

Butts County, GA 1991
5139 Studstill, David E. Special Provisions for Construction Contract: STP-00MS(16), P.I. No. 570830, Advanced Traffic Management System and Arterial Communications Design, Chatham County

None Present.

Chatham County, GA 1990
6521 Studstill, David E. Investigation of the Hancock Borrow Pit Project# BRF-041-1(14), Jefferson County

The archaeological survey of a 0.5 hectare (1.45 acres) borrow source (the Hancock Borrow Pit) for GDOT Project BRF-041-1(14) in Jefferson County (Figure 1), consisted of background research, a pertinent literature search, an intensive pedestrian survey and the excavation of thirteen shovel test

Cobb County, GA 1996
8491 Studstill, David E. Archeological Survey of Revised Alternatives for the Proposed Southwest Rome Bypass, Floyd County, Georgia

Archeological site 9FL338 was located, spatially defined and archeologically tested during the original survey of the various southern alignments (see body of this report; especially Figure 17).

Cobb County, GA 2014
9401 Studstill, David E. Lakewood Avenue Bridge Replacement Project Historic Resources Survey

This report has been prepared for Parsons Engineering Science, Inc., in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966 and subsequent amendments.

Fulton County, GA 1997
9428 Studstill, David E. Request for Determination of Eligibility for Archaeological Site 9LS219; GDOT Project, Laurens County, Georgia

Site 9LS219 is a multi - component archaeological site exhibiting Late Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian period components. The site, which is bisected by Interstate 16 {I-16), is located on a sandy first terrace approximately 40 meters east of Turkey Creek.

Laurens County, GA 1998
9433 Studstill, David E. GDOT Project HP980617-004 Laurens and Treutlen Counties Georgia, 9LS219

The Historic Preservation Division (HPD) has reviewed the report entitled, "Assessment of No Effect to Archaeological Site 9LS219," submitted concerning the proposed widening of bridges at Turkey Creek, Pughes Creek, and Mercer Creek, Laurens County, Georgia.

Laurens County, GA 1998
10194 Studstill, David E. Siltation Pond for Proposed Reconstruction of S.R. 53 Conn., Hall County, NH-065-3(36) and NH-065-3(35)

The proposed projects would relocate the existing S.R. 53 Connector in Gainesville. As proposed the projects would begin at the intersection of S.R. 13 and S.R.

Hall County, GA 1993
10244 Studstill, David E. Archaeological Survey of Projects EDS-84(9) and BHF-007-2(33), Brooks County

We have reviewed the concept report on the above project for the proposed widening of S.R. 38/U.S. 84 from just east of County Road 195 to County Road 272 in Quitman. The existing two lane roadway will be widened to a four lane rural section with a 44 ft.

Brooks County, GA 1991
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