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Studstill, David E.

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
12220 Studstill, David E. Investigation of Waste Site Project # TSAP-19(29) Bibb County

This project is an investigation of waste site Project# TSAP-19 (29) located in Bibb County. The Department recently received a request from a private landowner to clear a portion of his property for use as a waste pit for construction debris.

Bibb County, GA 1992
12406 Studstill, David E. Investigation of the Terrell County Borrow Pit Project PR-142-1(273), Terrell County

The above referenced 0.62 acre borrow pit had been previously cleared for archaeological resources on May 16, 1994. On February 24, 1995 this office was notified by State Archaeologist of the discovery of Native American human remains within the proposed borrow area.

Terrell County, GA 1995
12556 Edwards, Mark R., Scott, Walker, Studstill, David E. Projects STP-OOMS(217)(218), Chatham, McIntosh, Glynn and Camden Counties

The proposed project consists of the replacement of old, structurally inadequate fender systems on five bridges. The existing fender systems, which protect the bridge substructures, cannot withstand too many more collisions.

Chatham County, GA 1997
12652 Studstill, David E. Environmental Clearance of the Anderson Borrow Pit, BRMLB-9346(1), Dekalb County

The above reference 3.13+- acre borrow pit, located .20 mile west of Norris Lake Drive, has been reviewed for wetlands, threatened and endangered species, archaeological resources, and historical resources.

DeKalb County, GA 1996
12917 Studstill, David E. Investigation of Tall Pines Subdivision Borrow Area, ER-BRF-083-1(48), Dougherty County

The above referenced 300 x 200 foot borrow area, located in the Tall Pines subdivision, south of 1st Avenue, in Albany, Georgia, has been field reviewed by Lamar Frazier, District 4 Materials Engineer.

Dougherty County, GA 1994
13288 Studstill, David E. Archaeological Assessment for Project STP-2763(4), STp-2829(2), Montgomery County

The Georgia Department of Transportation is in the beginning stages of project development for the above noted projects.

Montgomery County, GA 1998
13296 Studstill, David E. Archaeological Assessment of Project PR-315-2(221), Oglethorpe County

The following project has been reviewed for GEPA compliance: PR-315-2(221), Oglethorpe County, consists of the leveling and resurfacing of County Road 315, beginning at State Route 22 and proceeding north to end at the Madison County Line.

Oglethorpe County, GA 1997
13385 Studstill, David E. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRZLB-257(7), Stephens County

The proposed project was field surveyed for historic properties in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto. The survey boundary and methodology were established using the GDOTIFHWA Cultural Resources Survey Guidelines.

Stephens County, GA 1991
13386 Studstill, David E. Archaeological Assessment of Project BRZLB-257(7), Stephens County

This is a bridge replacement over Rock Creek on CR 43/Silver Shoals Road. The existing 40’ x 27’ bridge will be replaced with 50 feet of 10’ x 9’ box culvert. The existing right of way and the proposed right of way are unknown at this time.

Stephens County, GA 1991
13510 Studstill, David E. Special Provisions for Construction Contract: BRF-153-1(17), Dooly County, Georgia

The following Special Provisions are required for the construction contract on the above referenced project and shall appear as a notation on plan sheets.

Dooly County, GA 1996
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