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Special Provisions for Construction Contract: BRF-153-1(17), Dooly County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The following Special Provisions are required for the construction contract on the above referenced project and shall appear as a notation on plan sheets. These provisions are necessary to ensure us compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended, and to minimize any project delays. 1.The area designated a on the attached project layout sheet is a National Register eligible archaeological site and must be avoided during all construction work. No construction activities including use for staging, borrow, or waste shall take place outside of the proposed construction limits between stations 47+00 and 51+00, and southwest of the alignment. 2. A Departmental archaeologist shall be notified by the contractor at least 48 hours prior to any construction activities immediately adjacent to the site in order to determine if a program of on-site monitoring will be required. Please provide this office a copy of the special provisions section of the contract when it is drawn up and a copy of the plan sheet noting these special provisions. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.