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Archaeological Assessment of Project BRS-1558(9), Walker County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The project consists of the proposed replacement of GDOT bridge #295-00193-00866N on SR 193 over West Chickamagua Creek approximately 10 kilometers northwest of Lafayette in Walker County (see attached map). The existing roadway is 7.2 meters wide with 1.0 to 1.5 meter shoulders and V-bottom ditches. The existing bridge is 22.9 meters in length and 6.6 meters in width. The proposed replacement structure would be located to the inside of the existing curve and the dimensions of the new bridge are estimated to be 75.0 meters in length and 11.4 meters in width. The approaches will have two 3.6 meter lanes, 2.1 meter shoulders, 6:1 front slopes, 0.6 meter flat bottom ditch, and 2:1 backslopes. As a result of a field survey and background research, no historic resources in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places were identified within the proposed project's area of potential environmental effect.