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Adair, David

Report Number Author(s) Title Abstract Summary County Year
4855 Adair, David Project BRS-0577(19), Bulloch County: Proposed Replacement of Existing Bridge on CR 927 at Mann Branch

The proposed project consists of the proposed replacement of the existing bridge on CR 297 at Mann Branch in Bulloch County (see attached map). The existing 22.86 x 7.83 meter (75.0 x 25.7 foot) bridge would be replaced with a 42.67 x 9.8 meter (140.0 x 32.2 foot) bridge.

Bulloch County, GA 1998
5742 Adair, David Project DPI-0202 (001) Ct. 6, Fulton County: P. I. #762370: Replacement and Expansion of Existing Dry Detention Pond with a Multi-Pond Storm Water Retention Facility and Public Park

The proposed project consists of the replacement and expansion of an existing dry detention pond with a multi-pond storm water retention facility and public park adjacent to Georgia 400 at North Stratford Road and Longleaf Drive in the City of Atlanta.

Chatham County, GA 1997
11195 Adair, David, Carr, Randall Historic Resources Survey, Project BRMLB-4500(3), Thomas County

The proposed project has been surveyed for historic resources in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto.

Thomas County, GA 1995
12314 Adair, David Archaeological Assessment of Project BRS-1558(9), Walker County

The project consists of the proposed replacement of GDOT bridge #295-00193-00866N on SR 193 over West Chickamagua Creek approximately 10 kilometers northwest of Lafayette in Walker County (see attached map).

Walker County, GA 1994
13439 Adair, David Project NH-001-4(54) Clayton County: Intersection Improvements at US 19/ US 41/ SR 3 (Tara Boulevard) and Freeman Road

The proposed project is an intersection improvement project at US 19/US 41/SR 3 (Tara Boulevard) and Freeman Road in Clayton County (see attached location map). The proposed project would provide a left turn lane southbound from Tara Boulevard onto Freeman Road.

Clayton County, GA 1994
13696 Adair, David GDOT Project IM-M000-00(280) Columbia, Greene, Laurens, McDuffie, Morgan, Newton, Richmond, Taliaferro and Warren Counties; P.I. #M000280: Determination of No Potential to Cause Effects

This project would consist of removing and replacing various joint systems in bridges and structures and contains twenty-six (26) bridges. All bridges are located either on or over Interstate 20 or Interstate 16. Specific locations are identified on the attached pages.

Columbia County, GA 2000
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