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Phase I Archaeological Survey for the Augusta Multi – Use Trail, Phase III Richmond County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

River Levee Trail Phase 3D was originally designed as an asphalt trail (12 feet wide along Trall Section "A", 10 feet wide along Trail Section "B", and 8 feet wide along Trail Section "C") that would have provided an improved trail surface on the existing trail system. The improved trail asphalt surface would begin along the top of the levee at the recently completed River Levee Trail Section- Phase 3C. The trail would have continued southeast for approximately 1,200 feet to the Hawk's Gully Structure which would have been improved for accessibility and safety. A limber boardwalk would have then provided access from the top of the Hawk's Gully Structure down to the base of the levee at Waters Edge Drive. After crossing Water's Edge Drive, the improved asphalt trail surface would have continued southeast for another 2,100 feet until it reached the existing sidewalk tie-in al 13th Street. Way-finding signage would have routed trail users south lo the Reynolds Street intersection to cross 13th Street safely and access the top of the levee. The improved asphalt surface would have then resumed along the top of the levee for another 1,700 feet to the tie-in at the Augusta Riverwalk. The total approximate project length would have been 5,660 linear feet. However, revised plans have reduced the project length by 1,844 feet to 3,816 feet due to the proposed extension of the Augusta Riverwalk to 13th Street by Augusta University's Cyber Campus development. The project width ranges from 16 feet to 52 feet. All other plans have remained the same.