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Bridge Replacement along SR 119 at Taylor’s Creek in Liberty County, Georgia.

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project would consist of the replacement of Bridge ID 179-0023-0 which carries State Route (SR) 119 over Taylors Creek in Liberty County, Georgia (see attached location map). SR 119 is considered a high priority route and the proposed project area for this bridge replacement is located entirely within the Fort Stewart Military Reservation. Bridge ID 179-0023-0 is classified as having an unknown foundation and therefore could be at risk for scour. The bridge has excessive scour around Bent 4 and is less than 2 feet from its maximum allowable scour. Due to the scour that has occurred, the unknown foundation of the substructure, and the fact that the bridge is on a high priority route, replacement of the bridge is recommended. Existing right of way is 50 feet from the center of the existing road.