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Bridge Replacements and 404 Permit Requests District Six BRS-0810(10) Fannin County

Report Number
Year of Publication

In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the following bridge projects were surveyed for archaeological material: Project BRS-0810(10) located in Fannin County. The purpose of the project is to improve the roadway alignment and gradient between the communities of Aska and Dial, including the construction of new bridges over Big Creek and Noontootla Creek. Site 1: Big Creek (160' x 30' concrete bridge) Discharge approximately 1350 cubic yards of embankment material below the 100-year flood elevation covering 0.7 acre. The embankment material will be obtained from highland sources. Erosion control will be grassing on shoulders and slopes, baled straw at toe of fill slopes and stone rip rap on bridge end rolls. Site 2: Noontootla Creek (300' x 30' concrete bridge) Discharge approximately 7700 cubic yards of embankment materials, obtained from highland sources, below the 100-year elevation covering 1.3 acres. Erosion control will be grassing on shoulders and slopes, baled straw at toe of fill slopes and stone rip rap on bridge end rolls.