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RFU-006-3(13), Upson County; Clearinghouse Doc. No. 77-01-28-02

Report Number
Year of Publication

As a part of the 404 permit process, the staff archaeologist has examined this bridge replacement project. Enclosed is a copy of the survey report. In her opinion, the cultural resources of the State will not be affected by construction of the project. The site files at Georgia State University and at the Univer­sity of Georgia had no sites listed in the vicinity of the project. The project was plotted on the Thomaston U.S.G.S. quad sheet and a copy of the design plans was obtained (see attached maps). Upon field examination, the project was found to be in a portion of the floodplain altered by water treatment facility. No sub-surface tests were made.

In the opinion of the staff archaeologist, the project will have no effect on any sites on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.