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A Phase I Archaeological Survey of SAS-2013-00623, Little Road Widening Project Cherokee County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project would consist of roadway improvements along Little Road from Hickory Road to Vaughn in Canton, Cherokee County, GA. The existing road conditions do not meet current design standards. The proposed project would widen Little Road to provide two (2)-10 foot lanes. Acquisition of additional right of way (ROW) is proposed to facilitate this widening. The amount of required ROW would vary from 50 feet along the typical section of the roadway to a maximum of 125 feet to accommodate drainage structures. The design speed varies between 25 and 30 miles per hour (mph) along Little Road. The archaeological survey areas were determined by adding a 100-meter buffer around the impacted water resources within the project right of way (ROW). This resulted in three survey areas: Survey Area 1 is 1.24 acres in size, Survey Area 2 is 3.70 acres in size, and Survey Area 3 is 1.63 acres in size. The total acreage of the survey areas is 6.58 acres (see Figures 1-2).