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Wallace Project Backhoe Testing Program

Report Number
Year of Publication

Based upon the preliminary work of Charles Siegel, a backhoe testing program was begun within the Wallace Reservoir during February of 1978. The following papers by Siegel should be consulted for background information.

Producing a Physiographic Map of the Wallace Reservoir Basin. 

Origin of the Shape of the Valley.

Producing a Sampling Scheme for the Wallace Project Subsurface Survey.

The testing program was broken into three phases. Phase One was essentially a learning period. This first month was set aside to determine our capabilities, to familiarize ourselves with land conditions and to determine the extent of cultural deposition within the Oconee Valley alluvial system.

Phase Two represented a Sampling system based upon what we had learned within the first month. As described by Siegel, the valley was divided into four half mile wide transects based upon the four major physiographic units. A secondary function of the program during this phase was the testing of surface sites within these transects. Phase Two covered a period of March 6 through August l6.

Phase Three represented an attempt to cover a very few sites which were specifically recommended. In essence, these were sites which from surface indications, might contain evidence of very early occupation within the valley. This phase covered the final week of the program.