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Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Improvements Corridor along U.S. Highway 441, Laurens and Wilkinson Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Brockington and Associates, Inc. conducted an archaeological survey along U.S. Highway 441 in Laurens and Wilkinson Counties, Georgia. The survey recorded 27 cultural loci; 18 archaeological sites and nine isolated finds (3 artifacts or less). Ten archaeological sites were recorded in Laurens County. Four of these have historic components and four have prehistoric components; two sites have both historic and prehistoric components. Eight archaeological sites were recorded in Wilkinson County; seven have historic components and one has a prehistoric component. Two prehistoric sites, 9LS197 and 9LS198, were considered to have research potential beyond the survey level investigation. Additional evaluation of these two sites was implemented by the excavation of formal test units. Two 1 by 2 m test units and two 1 by 1 m test units were excavated at 9LS197, on the east side of US Highway 441. Additional testing was conducted by GDOT archaeologists at this site on the west side of the highway. An Early Archaic component and an unidentified ceramic component (Woodland/Mississippian) was identified at this site. However, the deposits at 9LS197 had poor integrity, limiting the amount of reliable data that could be retrieved from this site. Four 1 by 1 m test units were excavated at 9LS198. Artifacts from the site appear to be primarily associated with a Late Archaic occupation; a minor Early Archaic component is also suspected. Site 9LS198 appears to retain sufficient integrity to add significant information about the Late Archaic occupation of the Fall Line Sandhills region and is recommended eligible for the NRHP under Criterion D, at the local level of significance.