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Breckenridge Boulevard Extension GDOT Project MLP-964-(1)

Report Number
Year of Publication

On December 1997, Brockington and Associates, Inc. conducted an archaeological survey of the proposed Breckenridge Boulevard extension corridor in Gwinnett County, Georgia. The new location corridor extends approximately 2.6 km (1.6 miles), beginning at the intersection of Breckenridge Boulevard and Boggs Road, extending north across SR 316, and ending at SR 120. The proposed corridor is 25 m. (76.3 feet) wide. The survey was conducted for Jordan Jones & Goulding Incorporated and the Georgia Department of Transportation. Proposed road construction within the project area necessitated this study, in order to comply with cultural resources management provisions of the 1991 Georgia Environmental Policy Act (GEPA) and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (as amended, 1992). Background research was conducted at the Georgia Archaeological Site Files (Athens) and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Historic Preservation Division (HPD). Research at the site files identified no previously recorded archaeological sites within 0.8 kilometer (0.5 mile) of the project corridor. Research at the HPD identified no previously recorded historic properties within 0.8 kilometer (0.5 mile) of the project corridor. Examination of historic maps and a published history of Gwinnett County did not identify any potential historic resources near the project corridor. Archaeological field survey consisted of shovel test excavation on two parallel transects 30 meters (100 feet) apart along each side of the project corridor. No archaeological sites were identified as a result of field survey. Two isolated finds were recorded. Isolate I consists of one prehistoric biface fragment found on the ground surface. Isolate 2 is two historic period artifacts, also recovered from the surface. Based on the findings of this survey, no additional archaeological investigations are recommended for the Breckenridge Boulevard extension corridor.