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Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Barnett Shoals Substation, Clarke County, Georgia

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Historic Preservation Consulting recently completed a Phase I archaeological survey of the proposed Barnett Shoals Substation in Clarke County, Georgia. The proposed Barnett Shoals Substation is situated at the intersection of Barnett Shoals Road and Whit Davis Road, approximately 11.3 km (7.0 miles) southeast of the city of Athens. The work was conducted for Georgia Transmission Corporation by Historic Preservation Consultants of Avondale, Georgia. The principal aim of the survey was to locate and record any previously unidentified cultural resources that may exit within the project area. Examination of the area was accomplished through pedestrian survey and subsurface shovel testing. The archaeological Phase I survey of the proposed Barnett Shoal Substation, located in Clarke County was undertaken on June 10, 1998. The project area was examined using a combination of visual inspection and subsurface shovel testing to determine if any cultural remains were present within the study area. A total of 33 shovel tests were excavated across the project area, only one of which produced any traces of either prehistoric or historic cultural remains or activities. Two archaeological sites were identified within the project area. However, evaluation of the potential historical significance of the site, taking into consideration the absence of intact cultural stratigraphic contexts at both sites, indicates that neither site meets any of the four criteria of significance for inclusion in the NRHP. It is the recommendation of Historic Preservation Consulting that no further archaeological investigations are required. This recommendation, if accepted, will complete the cultural resource obligations of Georgia Transmission Corporation under the stipulations of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1968 as amended and 36 CFR § 800.