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Archaeological Survey of the Buena Vista Road Widening Project, Columbus, Georgia

Report Number
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Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an archaeological survey for the proposed Buena Vista Road widening project in Columbus, Georgia in November 1999 for ICF Kaiser Engineers Inc. Background research and field survey were conducted to 1) provide accurate and reliable location of archaeological sites in the project; 2) provide an evaluation ofNational Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility for all identified archaeological resources; 3) provide sufficient data to assess avoidance alternatives for potentially NRHP eligible resources; and 4) provide recommendations for mitigation if avoidance is not possible. This survey was carried out to comply with cultural resource requirements of Section 106 of the 1966 National Historic Preservation Act (1992, as amended), and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Background research, conducted at the Georgia Archaeological Site Files (Athens) and the Georgia Historic Preservation Division (Atlanta), revealed that there are two previously recorded archaeological sites, 9ME960 and 9ME961, within 0.5 miles of the project corridor. Both sites are the remains of demolished twentieth century buildings. Thomas and Holland's (1999) report does not address NRHP eligibility of 9ME960 and 9ME96 1. The proposed project would have no effect on sites 9ME960 and 9ME961. Field survey consisted of pedestrian inspection of the entire project corridor. Visual inspection was conducted to identify areas with potential for intact archaeological deposits. The archaeological context on both sides of the project corridor, particularly in the western half, exhibits evidence of disturbance from modern development. Two archaeological sites (9ME977 and 9ME978), and one isolated find (Isolate 1) were identified within the Buena Vista Road widening project corridor. These resources are early twentieth century house sites. The houses were demolished, and the archaeological context is disturbed. Topsoil at these site is generally thin. No intact cultural features or dense artifact deposits were identified at these sites. Additional information about these properties could probably be obtained through archival research; however, it is unlikely that additional archaeological investigations at the sites or the isolate.would yield significant information which would contribute to our understanding of the lifeways of early twentieth century Columbus residents. Thus, sites 9ME977 and 9ME978, and Isolate 1, are recommended ineligible for the NRHP. Brockington and Associates, Inc., recommends that no further archaeological work is warranted within the direct impact area of this project. Archaeological clearance for the Buena Vista Road widening project is recommended.