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Cultural Resource Management Survey of Compartment 187, Unit 3. Oconee Ranger District

Report Number
Year of Publication

The following report summarizes a cultural resource survey of Compartment 187, Unit 3.C-187-U-3 is located approximately 1 mile due south of Penfield, Georgia, and 2 miles east of SR 15. The U.S.G.S. Quadrangle map used was Penfield, Georgia 1972. The UTM grid locations for the northern, southern, eastern, and western terminal points of the survey area are: Zone 17 Northern: N3724100, E296940; Southern: N3723400, E296920; Eastern: N3724000, E297460; Western: N3723520, E296680. All of C-187 is located in Greene County, Georgia. Before implementing the field investigation of the proposed timber sale area, a search of property records, current archaeological site files and the National Register was made. State Archeological site files yielded no information on sites within the project: Approximately 1 mile north of the project area is the Penfield Historic District, listed in the National Register of Historic Places on January 20, 1976. Tract R-47 belonged to Mrs. W.W. Pool until 1939, at which time the Government acquired said tract with 206 acres (from plat dated 5/10/39). The present survey covered approximately 50 acres.