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Archaeological Survey of the Savannah River (Ranges 81-500 to 83-500)

Report Number
Year of Publication

The survey of the Diamond Manufacturing Company's Hutchinson Island shoreline and dredging area was accomplished in May 1983. Investigations consisted of ground walkover, low water survey from the river and low water survey on land. The survey area consisted of some 2,000 feet of riverbank footage. The land area behind this varied from 430 feet back from the river to 420 feet. There were no visible indications of archaeological materials on the land or in the tidal water areas. Cartographic evidence indicates that only one cluster of buildings was ever located in this area prior to 1900. These structures were not shown on maps after circa 1840. The varying proximity of the building cluster to the riverbank does not exclude its existence from the survey area. Most of the maps seemingly place the building cluster downstream and further away from the water than the present survey area. Thus it seems unlikely that any remains of significance are within the survey area. Since much of the area is overlain by as much as thirty feet of spoil, it is difficult to prove this assessment. What is located above ground is modern trash. Even the spoil deposited within the survey area is generally devoid of artifacts, arguing for the low use seen by Hutchinson Island above the old port area of Savannah. Some caution should be used in the dredging area because of the likelihood of encountering piles and metal debris.