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Phase I Cultural Resources Suvey of the J.M. Huber Corporation Wrens Mine Expansion Site, Jefferson County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

On May 8, 2001, R.S. Webb &Associates conducted a Phase I cultural resources survey of the 30 acre (12.2 hectare [ha]) J. M. Huber Corporation Wrens mine expansion site in Jefferson County, Georgia. The proposed mine extension site is located north of Reedy Creek, on the east and the west sides of County Road 35, northeast of Wrens, Georgia. No National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) listed or eligible resources are located within or adjacent to the project area. Furthermore, no previously recorded archeological sites or historic properties are within or adjacent to the project tract. One archeological site (9JF222) and one isolated find were identified in the project area as a result of the survey efforts. These resources are recommended ineligible for the NRHP. No buildings, structures, or objects over 50 years old were identified within the Area of Potential Effects (APE) of the proposed undertaking. No additional cultural resources work is recommended for the proposed 30 acre (12.2 ha) J. M. Huber Corporation mine extension tract.