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Phase I Archaeological Survey at Proposed Bridge Replacement BRST 2025(5), State Route 329 over Hogcrawl Creek, Macon and Dooly Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

On 1 October 2002, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted a Phase I archaeological survey for a proposed bridge replacement in Macon and Dooly County, Georgia. This survey was conducted for The LPA Group, Inc. under contract with the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) and in compliance with all relevant cultural resources legislation (National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, 36 CFR 800). Background research conducted at the Historic Preservation Division (HPD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and through the Georgia State Archaeological Site Files identified no previously recorded archaeological sites within 0.8 kin (0.5 mile) of the APE. Field survey, however, identified three archaeological sites (9DY24, 9DY30, and 9DY31). Sites 9DY30 and 9DY31 are small, sparse, multicomponent (prehistoric lithic, late nineteenth/twentieth century) artifact scatters recommended ineligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Site 9DY24 is a large multicomponent (prehistoric lithic, early twentieth century) artifact scatter, most of which is located outside the project corridor. Since the majority of the site was not investigated, 9DY24 must be considered potentially eligible for the NRHP; however, the very small portion of the site located within the APE lacks intact subsurface deposits and diagnostic artifacts. The proposed bridge replacement, therefore, would not affect significant archaeological resources and the project is recommended for archaeological resource clearance.