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Archeological Survey of 1,247 Acres in compartments 113, 114, 118, and 119, Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forests, Oconee District, Jasper County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

From September 16 through October 8, 2003, R.S. Webb & Associates (RSWA) conducted an archeological survey of 1,247 acres of timber stands in Compartment Nos. 113, 114, 118, and 119 in the Chattahoochee -Oconee National Forests, Oconee District, in Jasper County, Georgia. The survey was conducted for the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and will be used to facilitate compliance with Sections 106 and 110 of the Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and other federal legislation concerning the treatment of cultural resources on public land (i.e., Antiquities Act of 1906; Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979). A review of the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) files indicates that no NRHP-eligible or -listed cultural resources are located within the survey areas. A review of the Georgia Archeological Site Files and the U.S. Forest Service records indicated that ten previously recorded archeological sites (9JA213, 398, 1082-1089) and one isolated find (IF-119-2/Site 397) are located within the present survey areas. Previously-recorded sites 1082 (9JA405), 1084 (9JA420), 1086 (9JA413), 1087 (9JA412), 1088 (9JA409), and 1089 (9JA4 10) were relocated during the current study. We revisited the areas where the remaining sites were identified on the USFS maps, but these sites were not relocated. Background research (historic maps and Forest Service land acquisition records) and pedestrian survey resulted in the detection of 32 sites (9JA395-9JA426) and 4 isolated artifact finds (IF-1-IF-4). Cultural resources range from prehistoric period lithic and ceramic scatters to late 19th-early 20th century house sites, a quarry pit, and cemeteries. Twenty-six archeological sites and four isolated finds are recommended ineligible for the NRHP. No further work is recommended in these areas. We were unable to fully assess the NRHP eligibility of 9JA 423 at the survey level. The previously recorded sites in the survey areas which we were unable to relocate (9JA213, 398, 1083, 1085, and IF 119-2/397) are also recommended ineligible for the NRHP based on a) the results of previous investigations (Barrett and Wynn n.d.; Fant and Davis 1989a), and b) the fact that this study did not identify cultural material or features in these locations. Four cemeteries (Sites 9JA412, 9JA419, 9JA420, and 9JA425) are recommended ineligible for the NRHP. One cemetery, 9JA4 10, is recommended eligible for the NRHP under Criterion C (Criteria Consideration A) at the local level of significance. Cemeteries are protected under Georgia law (Abandoned Cemeteries and Burial Grounds Act, OCGA §36-72). It is recommended that these five cemeteries should be protected and avoided during timber management activities. We also recommend that the open wells at four historic sites (Sites 9JA398, 9JA407, 9JA423, and 9JA424) should be fenced, capped or filled to reduce hazards and protect any possibly valuable archeological data they may contain. Site 9JA423 should also be protected until its NRHP eligibility status is determined.