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Archaeological Survey of Proposed Fuel Reduction Areas, Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area

Report Number
Year of Publication

A Phase I archeological survey of 39 tracts within 12 National Park Service (NPS) Units of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area was conducted in Cobb, Forsyth, Fulton, and Gwinnett Counties, Georgia to locate and identify archeological sites and assess resource significance. The combined survey areas cover a total area of 249.64 acres. In total, 27 archeological sites and four isolated finds were recorded. Thirteen archeological sites (9FU493, 9FU494, 9FO463 through 9FO466, 9GW552, 9FU495 through 9FU497, 9CO368, 9CO655, and 9C0656), and the four isolated finds (IF-1 through IF-4) are recommended ineligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRI IP). Two prehistoric sites (9F0218 and 9CO 127), and four historic sites (9FU6, 9FU228, 9FU286, and 9CO657) are recommended eligible for the NRHP. Eight prehistoric sites (9FU492, 9FU498 through 9FU501, 9CO128, 9CO376, and 9CO652) are recommended potentially eligible for the NRHP. In-place preservation is recommended for these fourteen sites. The locations of 14 previously recorded sites believed to be in or near the project areas were revisited. Six of these sites were not relocated for various reasons (outside project area, destroyed). One historic period site (9CO379) which was reported to be in the project area was not relocated. The land containing this site is preserved by the NPS due to the presence of this site. Site 9CO397 is recommended ineligible for the NRHP based on previous research at this site. As a result of this survey, prehistoric occupations from the Middle Archaic, Late Archaic, Early Woodland, Late Woodland, Early Mississippian, and Protohistoric/Historic Cherokee periods were identified. Historic occupations ranged from the early 19th to the middle 20th centuries.