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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey Proposed Fifth Runway Overland Conveyor Site Clayton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

A Phase I cultural resources survey of the proposed Fifth Runway Overland Conveyor Site in Clayton County, Georgia was conducted to locate and identify cultural resources within the project area, and to assess resource significance. The project area covers approximately 202 hectares and is located along the west side of the Flint River, 1.0 kilometer north of the city of Riverdale. In total 26 archeological sites, two historic cemeteries, three isolated finds, and five historic properties were recorded. Prehistoric occupations dating to the Middle Archaic, Late Archaic, Late Archaic/Early Woodland, and Woodland/Mississippian periods were identified. Historic components identified range from the middle 19`" century to the late 20`' century. Twenty six archeological sites, and the three isolated finds are recommended ineligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). In addition, the five historic resources recorded are recommended ineligible for the NRHP. Based on these findings, we recommend clearance to proceed with project implementation, with no further cultural resources work. Two cemeteries were recorded within the project APE, they are the Union Bethel AME Church Cemetery and the Flowers Family Cemetery. The Union Bethel AME Church Cemetery is within the APE of the present project tract, but alternatives are being considered to avoid and protect this resource, if possible. If avoidance is not feasible, the Union Bethel AME Church Cemetery will be relocated under the provisions of the Georgia Cemetery Relocation Bill (Official Code of Georgia Annotated [OCGA] 1991 Section 36, Chapter 72-4). Project implementation will not occur within the cemetery boundaries until the burials are relocated. We recommend that project implementation be allowed to proceed in the area of the Union Bethel AME Church Cemetery, with no additional requirements for cultural resources work, after all of the burials are relocated. The Flowers Family Cemetery was also within the project APE. This cemetery was relocated in 2001 under the provisions of the Georgia Cemetery Relocation Bill. We recommend that project implementation be allowed to proceed in the area of the Flowers Family Cemetery, with no additional requirements for cultural resources work.