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Addendum to Archaeological Resources Survey of the Proposed State Route 51 Bridge Replacement Over the Middle Fork of the Broad River, Franklin County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

An addendum to report 2564, this is an archaeological report short form for negative findings. The proposed project corridor begins at the intersection of SR 51 and Oscar Rich Road (County Road [CRI 168_), and continues east along SR 51. The corridor then crosses the Middle Fork of the Broad River before merging with SR 145, at which point the corridor ends. Proposed construction will directly impact soils that will be mechanically graded, cut, and filled for the proposed bridge replacement. Secondary impacts will occur primarily from heavy machinery traveling throughout the corridor, possible use of the corridor for underground cables or pipelines, and maintenance of the bridge. Types of impacts may include the removal and relocation of soils, clearing of vegetation, and filling activities, as well as subsequent temporary increases in erosional outwash or redeposition. The proposed bridge replacement corridor is approximately 397 meters (1.300 ft) long and 97 meters (318 ft) wide. The corridor is located on SR 51 approximately 3.5 kin (2.2 mi) west of Franklin Springs, Georgia. The original archaeological resources survey for the project corridor was conducted by Jenkins and Gardner (2003). For the current survey, the area of potential effect (APE) is defined as two portions within the project corridor totaling 0.54 acres (see attached figures). These two portions of the project corridor were included in revised right-of-way and determined to be impacted by the proposed bridge replacement project.