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Archeological Survey of Project BRST-079-1(37), Columbia County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project would consist of the replacement of the 195 by 30 ft reinforced concrete bridge along SR 47 over Keg Creek (see attached location map). The existing bridge would be replaced with a 195 by 44 ft reinforced concrete bridge. In addition, the existing 6 ft grassed shoulders would be replaced with 10 ft shoulders, 4 ft of which would be paved. Existing right-of-way if 150 ft. Additional required right-of-way varies from 20 ft to 25 ft on each side of the existing right-of-way of SR 47. A 25 ft easement for the construction of slopes would be required on each side of SR 47. All of the required right-of-way for this project is located on land owned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Panamerican Consultants conducted a phase I survey that encompassed the project area in 1998. Their report, Phase I Cultural Resources Survey of 7,245 Acres, Thurmond Lake, Columbia and McDuffie Counties, Georgia, was reviewed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers who concurred with their findings. Please see the attachment for more information on this clearance. No existing or eligible National Register resources were located within the project's area of potential environmental effect. It is concluded, therefore, that the project will have no effect upon archeological resources on or eligible for inclusion in the NRHP provided that the project conforms to that described above.