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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey Proposed Granite Hill Quarry, Hancock County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

A Phase I cultural resources survey of the proposed Granite Hill quarry site in Hancock County, Georgia was conducted for Rinker Materials to locate and identify cultural resources within the project area and assess resource significance. The project area covers approximately 339 acres and is located south of State Route (SR) 16, 2.2 kilometers (km) northeast of Sparta, Georgia. In total, 17 archeological sites, nine isolated finds, and two historic structures were recorded. Cultural resources clearance to proceed with project implementation in some of these areas is recommended. Phase 1 archeological testing is recommended to clarify the NRHP eligibility of some of these sites. Archival research, additional surface examination, detailed site mapping, and photographic documentation are recommended for others. We recommend that the Granite Hill quarry development plan be reviewed and revised to provide for preservation of 9HK253. If preservation of this site is an infeasible management alternative, we recommend that measures that be taken to mitigate any adverse effects to 9HK253.