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A Phase 1 Cultural Resources Survey Big Springs 230/25 kV Substation Troup County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Georgia Transmission Corporation proposes to construct the Big Springs 230/25 kV Substation southeast of LaGrange, Georgia in Troup County (Figure 1). A cultural resources survey was conducted in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended through 1992 (16 U.S.C. 470). The survey documented the presence or absence of cultural resources potentially eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The scope of the project included background research, archaeological field survey, artifact analysis, and evaluation of the NRHP eligibility of any cultural resources identified within the project area. All work was conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the Georgia State Historic Preservation Office (GaSHPO 1993). Historic maps were consulted and the area surrounding the project area was examined for evidence of structures greater than 50 years of age which could be impacted by the proposed project, either physically or visually. No structures greater than 50 years of age were identified in the vicinity of the proposed project. The surface inspection of the project area revealed an open well located in the southwestern portion of the project area. To the west of this well a field stone chimney fall and stone foundations were identified. A series of nine shovel test units adjacent to these features failed to produce any artifacts. One of the gullies identified within the project area appears to be an old road bed. It is possible that this site predates 1918 based on map evidence and may represent an antebellum tenant farmer dwelling. Shovel test units excavated across the remainder of the project area failed to identify any other archaeological resources. A total of 27 shovel test units were excavated. The historic site is recommended not eligible for listing on the NRHP. Because no potentially significant cultural resources were identified during this survey no further archaeological investigations are recommended within the project area. It is concluded that the proposed construction of the Big Springs 230/25 kV substation will have no effect on significant cultural resources.