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A Phase I Archaeological Survey Neyami 115/12 kV Substation, Lee County, Georgia

Report Number
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GTC proposes to construct the Neyami 115/12 kV Substation northwest of Leesburg, Georgia in Lee County (Figure 1). An archaeological survey was conducted in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended through 1992 (16 U.S.C. 470). The survey was conducted to document the presence or absence of archaeological resources potentially eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The scope of the project included background research, field survey, artifact analysis, and preliminary evaluation of the NRHP eligibility of any resources identified within the project area. Available historic maps were consulted and background research indicated that small, low density lithic scatters representing temporary camps might be found on an upland somewhat removed from a source of water. Thus, the prehistoric potential for the project area was considered moderate. Examination of available historic maps, dating to 1927, 1938, and 1953 failed to identify any historic structures or sites within the project area. The potential for historic archaeological resources was considered low. Surface inspection of the project area, within which surface visibility was considered good to excellent, resulted in the recovery of a single chert retouch flake. This flake is considered an isolated find and, as such, does not appear to represent a potentially significant or National Register-eligible archaeological resource. It is concluded that the proposed construction of the substation will have no effect on significant archaeological resources. No further archaeological investigation of the study area is recommended.